During times of crises, give investors an historical view of major market events and their impact on investor behavior. This package contains the following 4 reports:

  • Maximum Impact Events: This report provides advisors with tools to mitigate their clients' money-losing behavior during maximum impact events while examining data for 10 months in which the Average Equity Fund Investor experienced the greatest acute underperformance.
  • The DotCom Crash: A detailed look at investor behavior during the DotCom crash at the beginning of the century.
  • Black Monday: A detailed look at investor behavior during the market crash of 1987.
  • The 2008 Great Recession: A detailed look at investor behavior during the housing and bank crisis of 2008.

Copyright Restrictions
This Report is the property of DALBAR, Inc. and contains proprietary, copyrighted material. Purchase of this report is for internal use only and may not be distributed, reproduced, publicly displayed, or digitally transmitted without the express, written consent of DALBAR, Inc.

Purchase of this Report includes the rights to prepare and distribute ''Derivative Works'' based on the Report, so long as distribution of Derivative Works does not exceed 200 copies.

For firms requiring a higher level of distribution or additional licensing, please contact: info@dalbar.com


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