Customer Experience Audit (CXA)

Using proprietary criteria based on years of industry research, DALBAR supports financial services firms in their pursuit of a Superior Standard of Care to deliver a consistent omni-channel customer experience.

Contact Center Solutions

Through detailed analyses, DALBAR supports firms in providing the best contact center customer experience. Industry-leading criteria are used to evaluate contact center services allowing firms to pinpoint areas of improvement and reach long-term business goals.

Statement Services

The investor statement is a powerful communication tool that can and should be leveraged to underscore the firm’s commitment to a superior standard of care and build loyalty to your brand.

Digital Solutions

Using proprietary criteria based on years of industry research, DALBAR supports firms in their pursuit of a superior standard of care in their digital customer experience. Through the identification of trends and best practices and consistent monitoring, firms are able to exceed industry standards, correct weak points, reduce costs, achieve consistency and reach business goals.

Sales Desk

This program is designed to help you improve the sales support your internal wholesalers are providing to advisors calling your sales desk. Sales desk support is measured through an ongoing evaluation of calls. You will receive monthly reports to guide you in improving the sales support that you are providing to advisors. By participating, you are eligible for DALBAR's Sales Support Award.

Advisor Solutions

Since 1994, DALBAR's Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior (QAIB) has measured the effects of investor decisions to buy, sell and switch into and out of mutual funds over short and long-term timeframes. These effects are measured from the perspective of the investor and do not represent the performance of the investments themselves. The results consistently show that the average investor earns less – in many cases, much less – than mutual fund performance reports would suggest.

Audits & Due Diligence

With rules and regulations constantly evolving, DALBAR’s expertise aids firms, advisors and plan sponsors in achieving ERISA compliance through well-documented audits, validations and certifications.


In response to heightened interest in a Superior Standard of Care, DALBAR has made its online training available for Advisors, Fiduciaries and Compliance Officers.

Talk to us about how we can help you achieve your goals or customize an offering for your unique needs!