Multi-sector Cyber-defense Collaborative (“MCC”) is a membership group formed to identify and share the most effective practices being used by financial services institutions and service providers to combat the threat of cybercrime.
Members meet in-person twice per year and online monthly to learn what other members are discovering, testing and implementing to defend against new and old cybercrime threats. MCC was conceived as the way to focus the combined efforts of all members to benefit each member. The scope is limited to financial services sectors that have similar characteristics, exposures and therefore require similar defenses. MCC members agree to use the defenses discussed for their institution’s own advantage and use its best efforts to maintain privacy so as not to alert villains of the details of practices being implemented.
Members are free to reach out to other members or to the group as a whole at any time. Through these exchanges, each member gains access to the combined knowledge of MCC members.
By reporting ongoing threats and attacks to the larger group, members are able to stay abreast of the latest threat developments and keep their organization one step ahead of would-be bad actors.
Additional information on the Multi-Sector Cyber-Defense Collaborative.
Price for participants in the State of Authentication in Financial Services Survey: $15,000 – please contact for more information.
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